Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why Hasn't Brian Ross of ABC News Been Fired? ? International ...

I try not to spend too much time complaining about media bias, mostly because it doesn?t do any good.

But I have had a couple of posts about the topic, usually when there?s a hopelessly outrageous example on an issue I care about.

I?ve also had a few posts where I hit the media for mistakes that probably don?t represent overt bias, but instead reflect no knowledge of economics and/or a cloistered worldview.

Now we can add another example to the list. But it definitely belongs in the first group, because this is clear, blatant, and deliberate bias. I?m talking, of course, about ABC News and its reprehensible decision to smear a member of the Tea Party simply because he had the same name as the Colorado killer.

The obvious question to ask is why the reporter who did the smear, Brian Ross, hasn?t been fired. But not just Brian Ross. The axe should fall on anyone involved in the ideologically biased and legally reckless decision to speculate that a 52-year old Hispanic Tea Party member was responsible for the Colorado shooting

Here?s a good cartoon from the Hope-n-Change website, which has an amusing collection of anti-Obama cartoons. This does capture the mentality of the establishment media.

P.S. Here?s another cartoon about media bias that is definitely worth sharing.

P.P.S. I get irked whenever anybody refers to the big networks and newspapers as the ?mainstream press.? That?s a horribly misguided term, considering how far left they are. The Tea Party is much closer to the mainstream than those clowns. That?s why they should be called the ?establishment press.?


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